Pain, whether physical or emotional, is always a result of more sophisticated structures in our psyches, not just neuroanatomical and neuropsychological systems. This article isn’t about the pain that is killed with morphine. This is about the pain who wants to be liberated before taking the morphine. When we use morphine, it is usually too late to change our connection with anything. Every single human story filled with pleasures and pain is just as unique as a fingerprint. There are no two life stories, especially with narratives about the suffering that we are going through that are alike. Yet, most of these pains have one source in common: Our pain is not our pain. Man, hands-on misery to man. Man, hands-on love to man as well. It is our choice. In general, loved people love people and hurt people hurt. Either that love or that hurt will probably be stored as a mental story in our brains and as energy, imprinted in our hearts, determining how our lives unfold through our subconscious system. The most intense emotional traumas, suffering, and pain, nevertheless, might not be our own; rather, they might be the emotional burdens we bear for other people. It’s like reading a tragic story in which the main character goes through the most crucial pain of his life or seeing an action movie in which the hero is almost assassinated but never is because he is a hero. All of that drama is going to seduce and make us forget about our own existence as well as the fact that we are watching a movie or reading a book. We unconsciously inherited all of those stories. The structure of the pain is the same. Pain has a highly transmissible energy. The pain we’re carrying within could be old and new, rotting and fresh, from the past, present, and future lives. These are energy we may have picked up from others during our road trip through eternal existence. From our parents and their parents, lovers and their lovers, or friends and their friends, or while sitting very close to someone else on an airplane. Like it would be not enough, we can find more strange things such as karmic bonds and relationships, duality imprints, fetoplacental interaction, epigenetic mechanisms, or intergenerational transmission. And that endless list goes on. There could be numerous causes of physical and emotional pain, and I would rather keep the spiritual causes of suffering in a different article. In short, all these are the legacy of heavy, violent, and toxic energies. Other people’s hidden and unresolved traumas, in addition to our own, may transmute through our subtle bodies, setting up a structural energetical foundation for your experience of pain and illness. Being overly emphatic and re-living somebody else’s life is an obsessive hobby. To put it another way, we simply relate. We’re already a main character in the story once we relate to it by any sort of emotions. However, if completely understood, these stories hold the key to the healing process. We picked up the story because the same story is already within. That story is the story of the pain in existing social, cultural, or family structures in a duality system. For the most part, we are not needed by the pain. We need pain in order to survive life. We require pain to exist only for this purpose which is perhaps not the best way for us to live. We are always hugging, kissing, or even sometimes making love with the pain through emotional codependency, which we unconsciously both love and hate. The pain phenomenon is pain that comes directly from the source of life. It had been given to us as a gift if you wish. It was given to us with the hope that one day we would figure out how to get rid of it through the liberation of all things we don’t need for the authentic life. This is not about God or religious perspectives on suffering. Pain and suffering, in my opinion, do not make anyone wiser but might force us to change our perception of life. Sometimes to be a better version of ourselves. Sometimes for the worst. The healing wisdom is uncomplicated.: The pain was given to us. The pain may also be taken away. We are the ones that complicate what is, at its core, extremely basic and straightforward. Simply put, we don’t have to bear this burden of life since our real authentic self is not the one who recognizes what we’re going through as our own. If we ignore our intuitive call to transform our life, the suppressed anger that creates sadness, and the sadness that creates depression, and the depression that creates extremely sharp emotional pain like thousands of razors in our hearts, could end up someplace else, for instance in our digestive system and after a couple of years, it might move to the pancreas to start to create cancerous cells. Then we might wonder what happened, and why we’ve been diagnosed with cancer. Even though it may sound extremely harsh, that cancer may act as another wake-up call for us. Certain ancient healing practices, techniques, and rituals understood this principle profoundly. It takes time to grasp the concept of human pain while we are in that sort of state of being. Suffering will never hold us back. We are the ones who unconsciously want to be in emotional pain which might create mental and physical pain if we ignore our emotions. We are hardwired for this condition of existence. Our own neurological system, through the process of neural plasticity, reinforces our preprogrammed mindset. But if we embrace the suffering’s profound presence in our psyche and alter our viewpoint on it as an inevitable part of life, then the same pain may turn out to be both incredibly beneficial and beautiful for us. Our pain can avoid more serious damage either to our physical or mental mechanisms. Just imagine an alarm security system guarding our home. The alarm system is the pain system and it’s warning about the intruder. Persistent pain, on the other hand, can become harmful, resulting in the loss of the protection that pain provides. In other words, if our alarm goes on continuously, it is useless. We generally deal with pain by medicating it, suppressing it, or intellectualizing it through our mental state. We sometimes forget that we can connect energetically with our pain through the spiritual body. Just talk to her. Sometimes the pain will be understood and be easier on us. Sometimes the feeling of pain completely dissolves once we understand why she chose to come here in the first place. Pain is not good and pain is not bad either. Pleasure is the opposite of pain and pain is the opposite of pleasure. Some people love to suffer. Some people love to suffer well. Some people decided to talk to the pain and ask her for help on how to live pain-free, and she said, “Please let me go now that you’ve found me. I am no longer your pain.” And if we’re simply lucky, fortunate, or blessed enough with health, we might never have to use morphine to kill the pain. Just talk to her. The brain may not be able to translate the language of pain, but the heart is the greatest interpreter of all languages in the universe.