Enhanced Creativity and Artistic Flow

Benefits of Experiencing Natural DMT Trips for Artists and Creatives

energy healing

→ Enhanced Creativity and Artistic Flow

→ Increased Emotional Expression

→ New Perspectives and Problem-Solving

→ Heightened Synesthesia and Sensory Awareness

→ Neuroplasticity and Cognitive Flexibility

Guided Sky&Farm Creative Journey

energy healing

With over thousands of hours of meditative practice and 15 years of experience, Sky & Farm offers transformative guided journeys and energy work that activate the body’s innate ability to produce DMT. These practices open the door to profound visionary experiences, similar to traditional Ayahuasca ceremonies, using natural and safe methods. No prior experience in meditation or altered states is necessary—these sessions are designed to guide anyone into deep states of consciousness.

Who Do I Work With?

energy healing

This journey works best with artists and creatives, even without previous experience in any spiritual work. Your heightened emotional sensitivity and stronger heart intelligence make you naturally attuned to deeper shifts. Unlike those boxed in the frame of mind and body, you are open to exploring new dimensions and realizing true creative potential. Your artistic sensitivity allows you to perceive the subtle energies around you, helping you reconnect with your inner vision and express what words alone cannot capture.

How DMT Works

energy healing

DMT (Dimethyltryptamine) is a naturally occurring compound in the body, primarily in the pineal gland. It plays a significant role in altered states, such as deep meditation, dreaming, and near-death experiences. When activated, DMT interacts with serotonin receptors in the brain, causing shifts in perception, time, and space. These shifts often lead to intense visionary experiences and a sense of connection to a higher reality.

The journey is not for everyone. It takes a certain amount of time to energetically awaken DMT in individuals who are not using the creative side of their brain, relying on their intuition, or connected to their heart intelligence. Therefore, this journey is especially designed for artists and creatives, as they are the perfect fit for this kind of energy work. The Sky & Farm journey is designed to take individuals into an altered state of consciousness to reconnect with their artistic potential and the expressions of their creative spirit. It is a profound, uniquely tailored experience for artists and creatives only.

Yes, Sky & Farm journeys are generally safe for most individuals. Before any Sky & Farm journey, I conduct a quick scan of your energies to assess whether the journey is suitable for you. There are certain restrictions, such as not being on any drugs, antidepressants, or antipsychotics. You simply can't outsmart energies, and if there are any major blocks, the journey will be declined with suggestions to address and clear them first through other Sky & Farm healing modalities.

Many describe sensing energetic flows or connections, such as feeling the love or presence of departed loved ones, universal energy, or their own inner life force. This heightened awareness of energy can provide comfort, closure, and a sense of spiritual connection. Others often report vivid geometric patterns, bright colors, or encounters with spirits or symbolic archetypes. Sensations may include a feeling of floating, dissolving into the universe, or merging with nature. Emotional waves, such as euphoria or release, are also common.

While it is possible to attempt the journey on your own, I strongly recommend having guidance. Without an experienced guide, most people are unable to fully immerse in the experience due to mental and ego-based blockages, lack of experience, and emotional or energetic imbalances. Without proper support, you may encounter unresolved energy wounds or openings in your aura, which can lead to confusion or energetic harm. A guide ensures safety, provides support, and helps facilitate a deeper, more transformative journey, allowing you to process and integrate the experience effectively.

This journey is similar to traditional Ayahuasca expriences, or psychedelic trips, but more peaceful with stronger healing result. I always choose to work with my clients using ancient meditative techniques rooted in heart-centered practices. I harness extremely potent earthly and cosmic energies to transform, modify, or rebalance your biochemistry and activate your pineal gland. And no, you don’t need to vomit into plastic buckets at an ayahuasca retreat on sale for $4,999 or support commercial bullshit that abuses sacred tribal traditions somewhere in Peru.