“If you only knew how beautiful you are.”

Body Image Therapy

Body image is a complex construct and is made up of beliefs, thoughts, perceptions, feelings, and behaviors. The way we see ourselves and our bodies has an impact on our physical health, our mental health, and our relationships. Sky & Farm treats any body image issues that clients may have through guided meditation and imaginative work. Throughout the series of self-love, forgiveness, and gratitude meditations, we concentrate on releasing the structure of energy imprints that are driving you to repeat the same harming cycle of self-hatred and low confidence. We work together to organically improve your confidence by recognizing that shame is entirely your own creation, as is your perception of the world around you. Typically, one to five 45-minute sessions are recommended to fully feel and experience the therapeutic impact. In addition, some creative, practical homework is needed. It’s essential for a joyful and vital life to feel good in your skin. You feel good in your skin, regardless of whether your body meets the definition of what those around you would consider the ideal body. Body image is not only how we see ourselves physically, but more importantly, how we talk about ourselves internally and externally. That inner dialogue, as well as the tone you use while talking about or criticizing your appearance, all contribute to your body image. Your mental image forms your entire body, which may have been traumatized along the path of life. A negative body image can be tracked to a person’s childhood and adolescence, when it was influenced by factors such as an unhealthy parent-child relationship, having adults around who were overly preoccupied with their own body image, body dysmorphia, and eating disturbances, or being constantly subjected to religious orthodoxy, sexual orientation concealment, puberty-related weight changes, being pressured by others to look and dress a certain way, social media posts with retouched body ideals, unhealthy teasing, bullying, threats, and violence. There could be thousands of causes. The most significant impact on body image and confidence are clients with persistent eczema, vitiligo conditions, burn survivors, aging issues, weight gain after pregnancy, plastic surgeries that went wrong, medical treatments, breast removal, and amputations. Whatever situation you are in, your body continually craves nourishing energy from you. Being loved. Being touched. Dancing with one’s own body. Making love with one’s own body. Feeling it. Having fun with it. And be thankful for that beautiful side of ourselves. No matter how great or minor your flaws in this world are, you still have emotional, mental, and spiritual bodies that are always willing to coexist in harmony and heal your perception of your own, always the beautiful physical body.