You are welcome to rest here. You are welcome to dream here. You are welcome to create here. You are welcome to breathe, surrender, and let go here.

You are welcome to heal here.



November 20023 SOLD OUT

December 2023 SOLD OUT



December 2023 SOLD OUT

All treatments throughout the stay, lodging at the farm, and all meals during your stay—including breakfasts, lunches, and dinners—are included in the price. If necessary, complimentary transportation to and from the Asti train or bus station can also be arranged.

3 or 11 Days Retreat

Simplicity. Authenticity. Compassion. These are some of the words that are constantly in the air here. Sky & Farm is a private slow-life healing retreat for individuals only. Other than you, there are no other guests. The healing retreat at Sky & Farm is always making it possible for you to take on your dreams, health, vitality, and joyfulness of life.  To be able to go forward, you’ve got to heal the wounds of the past. No matter where you are in your healing process, the farm may always inspire you with its natural healing beauty. If you want to concentrate on just one issue or life challenge, a short stay of 3 days is the best choice. During a longer stay of 11 days, we can work together on a variety of physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual issues. You might simply and very quickly heal from physical pain, emotional density, and a variety of traumas that are 20, 30, or even 40 years old. And that’s what I call the beauty of healing.

Environment Matters

You can never fully recover in the same environment that first created your pain, which is one of the key principles of healing. This farm may be your perfect choice if you regularly imagine entirely disappearing, leaving everything behind, and never returning or just escaping for a few days from the endlessly boring, monotonous, and toxic environments of daily life in a society that loves to kill simplicity, authenticity, and compassion.


Please note that this is not a five-star healing retreat resort with an infinity pool, full-service spa, mediocre yoga classes, and crystal therapy. The farmhouse to stay in is rather basic but very authentic. The farm has some wrinkles here and there and has been charmingly worn out by its 120-year existence. This place has a very rural, natural, and very earthy vibe. Think about the feelings of ordinary love in your grandmother’s kitchen. This place is centered around that. Your bedroom is private, peaceful, and clean with an air cooler in the summer or a wood-burning stove in the winter. You can use any area in the farmhouse, including the kitchen, indoor and outdoor terraces, and rooms for healing and meditation. There is a shared bathroom.

Let’s talk first

If you feel you need help with healing, just let me know. At the farm, you may completely decompress while mastering the art of La Dolce Farniente, eating local gorgonzola cheese, drinking local red wine, and gazing up at the beautiful nighttime sky loaded with stars. The cost of the retreat includes both the meals, wine, and the night sky. I always create a variety of therapeutic exercises and treatments that are specifically designed for your physical, mental, emotional, or spiritual recovery. We can talk about this on the phone or in a video talk prior to your arrival. We can do many different things. From shamanic journey and healing, talk therapy around the fire, yoga, Akashic records readings, and healing meditations to art therapy. It is always up to you whatever you want to do here.


There is no automated booking system at Sky & Farm, so please keep that in mind while making reservations. Please introduce yourself and describe your needs so that I can set up your stay here if you wish the old-fashioned way. The simplest way to get in touch with me is via WhatsApp or email.