“You’re just a beautiful light traveling here and there. “

In-Person Healing

This is a one-on-one healing session on the farm. You simply come to the farm at the set time, relax a little with coffee, tea, and blueberry coffee cake, and we can begin to work on the healing through a wide range of methods in the very comfortable healing room or meditation room at the farm. You might be asked to stand sometimes, sit, or lie down.

Remote Healing

There is no blueberry coffee cake here. Everything else is almost the same like in-person healing. Remote healing, also known as Distance Healing, is the transfer of healing energy from a healer to the recipient, regardless of their location. Energy healing is based on the understanding that the human energy field is a dynamic system without limitations of time and space. Remote Healing can be felt across any distance and is effective without the requirement for physical presence. During the remote session, we might be using the phone or video call. Video calls provide a visual interaction that is helpful in bridging the physical distance between the healer and the client. In face-to-face online sessions, visual engagement has the potential to provide a more personal and intimate therapeutic experience.

Absent Healing

This is healing where the person may or may not be aware of it. It is frequently carried out at the request of someone who intends to help. The only thing I need is a first and last name, date of birth, and the current full-body unretouched photograph of the individual on whom I will perform the absent healing. The photo should clearly show a face with open eyes.  You can take a selfie while wearing pajamas, no makeup, and messy hair if you like. It makes no difference. This is not a casting call, but rather a healing session. Absent healing works best for me when the client is either aware of the healing and relaxing in a quiet environment, or when the client is sleeping. Either way is fine with me.