When Psychotherapy Doesn’t Work

Everybody Knows The Deal Is Rotten

When the psychotherapy doesn’t work there may be a problem. The only people left to solve this problem are dead. Freud. Jung. Perls. Maslow. These brilliant minds of the 20th century developed psychotherapy, a therapeutic treatment method with the sincere intention of guiding people in resolving their emotional and mental problems. Each of them had a different viewpoint on what works and what doesn’t for the client or patient. Even though they developed various structures and approaches, psychotherapy as a whole was somehow united and highly effective. It used to work incredibly well, but over the last 20 years, the therapeutic relationship between the client, the problem, and the therapist has been gradually but steadily destroyed. The layers of arrogance in the scientific perspective on human behavior and the rejection of thousands of years old, fully functional spiritual healing methods for the wounded human spirit are the origins of those destructions. I feel that certain fundamental presumptions related to modern psychiatry, psychology, and psychotherapy, need to be profoundly changed if we wish to avoid becoming part of the rapidly growing epidemic of mental diseases in the near future. The quickest way out would be to admit that modern science knows very little about the nature of the human psyche and should withdraw immediately from the regulation of mental health. Knowledge of the biochemical mechanisms in the brain is not the only path to the healing of mental health issues. The restart button is essential, as it could help us come to our basic human nature. Back to the basics of who we are. Talk therapy, used to be a way to help people for thousands of years. In our emotional DNA, we are wired to tell, listen, and share life stories. The good, the bad, and beyond. But the storyteller is mute. And the listener is deaf. And we are only willing to share stories that are compressed below ten seconds. The healing benefit of talk therapy in mainstream psychotherapy is a dead figure of speech that has lost its original meaning and imaginative force through the frequent use of nonhuman guidelines, robotic terminology, and an army of heroic neuropsychologists ready to kill laboratory animals and human heart intelligence with it. Since the 1950s, mental health has been subjected to the heartless control of science and the dictatorship of intellect. Insulin coma treatment, neuroleptics, lobotomy, or electric shocks were mental health interventions approved by science. The cruel history of inhumane mental health treatments for the sake of social norms. Normalizing the abnormal amount of ignorance and lack of understanding of the human psyche. Some of those most inhumane methods are still widely used today. Most mental health professionals accept that the world of science and the world of the human psyche is one. In order to please the master, the system is creating too many knowledgeable, but not able-to-heal psychiatrists, psychologists, counselors, coaches, and therapists who copycat the same mind-to-mind theories of psychotherapy blessed by science. The majority of these theories rely on picking, classifying, and evaluating normal and abnormal behavior. From cognitive behavior therapy, psychoanalysis, and psychodynamic therapy to humanistic therapy. Our society’s unhealthy structure establishes the standard or the norm, and we have a tendency to assume that mental normalcy refers to health. The tragic result is generations of mental health professionals who came to school already believing in scientific conclusions about human existence to reinforce their beliefs. This represents just a tiny fraction of the system’s agenda in which we exist. Almost all simple and less complicated perspectives on life and healing methods have been rejected and destroyed by them. The academic phrase bank has grown richer, new artificially made diagnoses popped up such as ADHD or ADD, and the government has become more manipulative in its efforts to control mental health practices. The outcome is simple. The failure rate of mainstream psychotherapy is 50%, between 10% of clients get worse and 40% experience no benefit whatsoever. That’s one-half. The second half maybe doesn’t complain that much. Maybe overprescribed Xanax keeps them happy and quiet. Everybody knows the deal is rotten. That’s how it goes. Everybody knows. Yes, Leonard Cohen. Cohen did go to a therapist once, actually — out of desperation.

Sick Are Healing Sick

Yes, I believe that psychological explanations wired from mind to mind can be valuable and that mainstream psychotherapy can be useful for some people. However, at least half of the mainstream therapies that are into the neurochemical mechanisms are not helpful and somehow confused, because they rarely free people from the real root cause of suffering. According to my humble estimation, about 80% of today’s mental health professionals are completely lost in the translation of human needs. Traditional psychotherapy modalities simply don’t work anymore as evidenced by their poor success rate and very long and expensive treatment programs. Yes, most of the therapists with a narrow mind treatment approach mean well, but will generally fail to be of any assistance. Many clients who enter traditional psychotherapy aren’t helped at all. And ironically, some psychotherapists are examples of the kinds of problems they’re trying to treat. Psychotherapists go through therapeutic training, programs, and courses before they help another person. The books of knowledge do not matter if they lack an understanding of the human psyche. It is most likely that they end up in the trap when helping others is beneficial to their self-healing. To be a healer of any kind, one must come from a healed place. The tribal healing implies that if one member of the tribe remains unhealed, the entire tribe is sick. The tribal healing process was organic rather than organized. In contrast to our Western civilization, where most people accept illness as a natural state, tribal groups believed that being ill was an unnatural state of being. Stated differently, the majority of mental health professionals are struggling more or less with the same mental states as clients. Sick people are healing other sick people, and everyone is perplexed as to why this isn’t effective. Most therapists are not healed at all since mainstream mind therapy rarely heals the real source of our mental, emotional, or spiritual problems. In the ancient tribal world, the vast of majority psychiatrists and psychologists would heal themselves by sending their diplomas back to their universities and pursuing activities that are more beneficial than contributing to harm to their clients and patients. In an era where mental health is recognized as a deeply individual and multi-faceted journey, it is increasingly apparent that the standardized nature of science-based psychotherapy is not aligned with the complex and diverse needs of all individuals seeking therapeutic support.

The Mask Of Empathy

Mainstream psychotherapy is still looking at people as if their problems were “all in their heads” and “nothing in their hearts”. It’s true that a lot of psychotherapists place a strong emphasis on their patients’ or clients’ needs with empathy. However, since empathy originates in the mind, it may be learned and relearned as a practical skill to manipulate. What the majority of therapists lack and are unable to find nearby is authentic compassion. Perhaps the answer to the problem with today’s pure state of psychotherapy is to begin searching thoroughly for compassion and let go of empathy that was developed as a mask to hide behind. Compassion originates only from the heart and not all therapists are prepared for this in-depth internal exploration. The majority of them will carelessly apply the science of behavior and mental processes to their practices, destroying the most important aspect of their client’s psyches. In general, the mainstream psychotherapy healing system is dysfunctional. It is too prolonged, mind-oriented and almost one size fits all. Additionally, the therapy outcome only returns the individual to society’s normalcy without providing any deeper understanding of the existence. The client will continue to abide by the norms of fear, guilt, shame, and emotional debt and play their social duties. This isn’t about finger-pointing or blaming. The harm is already done but not complete yet by mainstream psychotherapy. Now it is more about understanding what happened to the client, the problem, and the therapist. This relationship is absolutely rotten and generates no sparks to start a healing process. The authentic click factor between the client, problem, and therapist is missing. And it’s not about the usual cliche that the client and the therapist are not a good match. The client is poorly reduced to a diagnosis. The therapist is working under highly controlled conditions, for instance, strict supervision, a therapeutical guidebook, or codes of ethical conduct to please the social structure. In other words, there is no space for authenticity, creativity, or flexibility. Therapists work in constantly stressed and repressed environments. Many therapists are just mind-control robots trained for neutrality. The mental health system sees clients as walking diagnoses without any need to better understand the client’s life. For psychotherapy to be fully functional and healing, the client, the therapist, and the interaction must fit naturally through the heart’s intelligence, not only the mind. In mainstream therapy, this healing click is often missing. Yes, some therapists are going through a lot of soul-searching and trying to escape from the mainstream dysfunctional mental health system of which they have been a part for a long time. As a result of their journey, they keep switching from one nonsense ideology to another and projecting new-age propaganda on their innocent clients. Namaste, tell me more about your mother. Feeling depressed and a little lazy? Get psychedelic-assisted therapy. To make psychotherapy useful, unpretentious, and human again, the listener might stay brainless for a while, to listen to the heartbeat of the storyteller. It is more about the heart-to-heart story than mind-to-mind. The problem is, that this is too simple, so mainstream psychotherapy will remain complicated, and outdated, and most likely will be replaced by AI soon. Our thoughts will be guided by the digital mind’s far more sophisticated algorithms in search of some happy enzymes while providing some basic emotional support. And it may be able to correct one or two issues. But it is never the mind that creates the most preciuous healing alchemy. Only the intelligence of the heart possesses the healing power of understanding, which transforms our sick existence into a peaceful state of being. And peace heals.

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