No Introvert. No Extrovert.

The concept of introversion or extroversion is not new, they have been used in psychology for over 100 years. Introversion and extroversion both play a role in directing your energy, either externally or internally, and how you are likely to respond to and perceive external stimuli. All the things of life that surround you. Personality is never a simple label and personality types are on a spectrum. In general, the persona is merely a mask and a certain character played for the benefit of society’s acceptance. Our emotional DNA is strongly imprinted with the longing to belong somewhere and an unconscious desire to be accepted. It makes no difference where. It may be wherever you want it to be. Somewhere. Just to fit in, because most people don’t like hanging out in the air and not being labeled, cataloged, or archived as proof of existence on this Earth. We demand association and identification with something. This is a strong identity with who we are in the same manner that we need official IDs. The truth is that most people have no idea who they are unless they glance at their ID image as a strong reminder of their identity. First and last names, date and place of birth, gender, occupation, and race are all required. When I lived in the United States, there was always a small box to select for your race, with a few categories and subcategories. I always claimed to be a native American, and my tribe was always referred to as the Cherokees. Why not. The employee behind the window or desk gave me an odd look, but I just took the form as it was. The necessary waste of life. The same thing goes with introversion or extroversion. Those things don’t exist and are a necessary waste of life. You’re neither an introvert nor an extrovert. It is a fabricated story. In reality, there is no such thing as an introvert or an extrovert, like there is no quietness or only loudness in nature. The Niagara Falls are fairly turbulent, yet a few kilometers away there is a quiet stream flowing from the same river. How you came to play the character of extrovert or introvert comes from your early childhood. Every healthy child has a well-balanced origin. Sometimes it’s turbulent like waterfalls, sometimes it’s quiet like a stream, and that’s a healthy combination that comes from the unity of all things. However, someone told you as a child in a very authoritative voice, that you’re quiet or wildly loud. It all starts innocently enough with something like: “Be quiet!” or “Speak up!” Since then, all of your emotions, which involve rewiring your thinking with feelings connected with those two essential commands have been stored in your memory and reprocessed on a continuous basis 24/7. It can take some time to realize that our real childhood names were not Shut Up, Little Devil or Sissy. You didn’t have a choice to emphasize the gravity of the situation to defend your position as a child, so you simply associated yourself with it. You later identified with it, the school system heavily reinforced that identity, and you ended up playing a specific role in life as an extrovert or an introvert. Your hobbies, career, relationships, and even your favorite sexual fetishes and positions are determined by your introverted or extroverted role in the world. Moaning loudly or remaining silent during sex, among other influences, is part of expressing the role. Unfortunately, that role is shaped by the stories of other people. Being either introverted or extroverted is not your authentic story. It’s only a conventional story of typology in order to fit in. An introvert is someone who sees things through his own subjective lens, whereas an extrovert just sees things for what they are. Some people prefer solitude to being alone with their own thoughts, while others prefer society to share and that’s perfectly OK. In my opinion, introverts and extroverts are more about energy imprints. Being an introvert or an extrovert has more to do with how you deal with your upbringing, childhood traumas, angry parenting, or social conditioning. Your psychological copy and natural defense systems were causing you to be quiet or loud. You either choose to be in the suppressing or expressing mode of life. The intensity of being more on the introvertive or extrovertive side is always based on the density of fear, shame, guilt, and emotional debt we carry. Most of the time, we use both our introverted and extroverted sides. I believe that the healthiest way to live is to not suppress our thoughts, feelings, senses, and intuition. What is on the inside should always be on the outside, as well. Italians are good examples. They do not keep their life hidden. If they like something, they will express it. If they don’t like something, they will express their displeasure right away. As a result, Italians have the lowest rate of coronary and heart disease in Europe and have one of the world’s longest lifespans. So expressions of what we consider to be good and bad, right and wrong in our dualistic system are unquestionably healthy. We might recognize that there is always a good time for introverts who want to start expressing themselves the way they truly think and feel. The same goes for extroverts to learn how to silence themselves and begin to listen. The balanced energy is always in the middle, someone who has mastered all sides of their personality. The person having characteristics of both extrovert and introvert is called Ambivert. The word-forming element ambi means “both, on both sides,” from the Latin ambi “around”. The ambivert is an overlooked and nearly forgotten personality type. The first person who introduced the term “ambiversion” was Kimball Young, an American social scientist, in 1927 in Source Book for Social Psychology. Whether among psychoanalysts, psychiatrists, or psychologists, the ambivert was personality non grata, because it was destroying the clear-cut labeling concept of introversion or extroversion. The nature of the truth, nevertheless, naturally finds its way out as the earlier mentioned Niagara Falls. There is always a serene spot within a turbulent spot in nature. The same is true for us.

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